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♥ My Character

This is my BLOG!
HATE it ? click here
I don't need your comments about me
isn't tt easy ?

♥ My Profile


Name: Eudoria Yeo Ge Xuan
Age: Sweetly 11
Birthday: 27 April 1998
School: Happily Attended In YangZheng Pri.Sch
About Me: Im friendly.

♥ My Music

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ My Wish List

Get A Psle Cert
Good Grade

♥ My Precious

♥ Eugenia
♥ Jing Ying
♥ Ray Soon
♥ Celine
♥ Jia Xi
♥ Don
♥ Hee Qin
♥ Chee Shan
♥ Yungwei
♥ Clarie
♥ Leyi

♥ Bitching


please to not rip the credits =)
designer- !LOVEable.b!tch-
pictures- Deviantart
fonts- Dafont

Saturday, 30 May 2009 ♥

dun make my heart bleed again

Sunday, 24 May 2009 ♥

gg to ah gong house..
so boring lo..
nth to do there..
oso no psp, haiiz..

dun make my heart bleed again

Saturday, 23 May 2009 ♥

boring.. nth to tok..

dun make my heart bleed again

Friday, 22 May 2009 ♥

today, its so boring sia..
me jy n michelle wanted to play bb..
BUT NO BALL!! thats the prob..
then saw celine n lim ying playin with vivian..
feel like playin with them lo..
but jy scared lim ying will dont let us play..
we asked michelle to play with them 1st,
coz she oso wanna play mah..
then she say she dont wanna play, coz jy dont wanna play..
then i said she is not jy's dog.. y keep follow jy..
then she shout at me n jy "I WANT FOLLOW JY CANNOT MEH!!?"
walao i damn damn angry lo..
then she walked away, we go to concourse..
saw amus taking bubble tea and instant noodles comin in from the gate..
i asked him gt bb.. he said is at celine there..
jy said she wanted to play..
amus said ok, he asked her..
but amus go bb court to find celine, but celine at parade square!!
then he came asked we all whr is celine.. i said parade..
he go asked.. then says ok! Go..go.. GO!!! he shouted at us..
we play very de happy lo..

dun make my heart bleed again

Luckily my sister's fren noe how to do ar..
So i have my BLOG SKIN!!
rmb.. tag b4 u leave..

dun make my heart bleed again

Wednesday, 20 May 2009 ♥

haizz.. cant put blog skin.. SO SAD!!
but nvm.. no blogskin oso can..
but, very dead lo..

dun make my heart bleed again

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 ♥

i make abt 3 blogs.. its lousy..
so, i wish to make one more blog..
coz, last three blogs is nt sucessful..
i wish this can be my 4th blog n the last blog..

dun make my heart bleed again