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♥ My Character

This is my BLOG!
HATE it ? click here
I don't need your comments about me
isn't tt easy ?

♥ My Profile


Name: Eudoria Yeo Ge Xuan
Age: Sweetly 11
Birthday: 27 April 1998
School: Happily Attended In YangZheng Pri.Sch
About Me: Im friendly.

♥ My Music

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

♥ My Wish List

Get A Psle Cert
Good Grade

♥ My Precious

♥ Eugenia
♥ Jing Ying
♥ Ray Soon
♥ Celine
♥ Jia Xi
♥ Don
♥ Hee Qin
♥ Chee Shan
♥ Yungwei
♥ Clarie
♥ Leyi

♥ Bitching


please to not rip the credits =)
designer- !LOVEable.b!tch-
pictures- Deviantart
fonts- Dafont

Tuesday, 9 February 2010 ♥

Bon Voyage!!<~(TO ZIYING)
Today feeling so weird.. like something was hidden in my heart..
 but i dont wads tt wor .
 btw i dont even care..
 haiz dont feel like typin liao leh..
so type until so short nia la..

dun make my heart bleed again

Thursday, 21 January 2010 ♥

ps..long time nvr post le.. nt i dun wan post.. is i lazy to post..<~*there's no difference...*
today happen in sch ar...let me think awhile...
oh ya! i was poking pen at teddy's back...
he suddenly lie down on the chair...
walao!! poke my hand sia...i use red pen poke mah...
then the red pen tip haf my skin leh...T.T
sooo pain lo... then teddy say fake de lah!!
tell tricia tat is draw de... then i show tricia...
tricia shocked wor... she tell teddy'SHE REALLY CUT HERSELF!!'
teddy face suddenly pale wor..LOL...
haaizz... chinese spellin get 86/100... my mum call me get full marks lo....
then during eng spelling.. i writing the dictation liao... suddenly my phone vibrate...
i was shocked.. after that.. i checked my phone that is my home called de...
i ask my mum wad happen?
she say i called her in the morning...
i didn't wor...
i check the calls...press dialled... dun haf wor...
my mum checked.. dun haf leh...
my mum was confused nw lo..@_@

dun make my heart bleed again

Friday, 28 August 2009 ♥

Hello Guys!
I'm Eudoria's Sister here...
She not really free to update her blog...
so i helped her to come in change her blogskin
and everything, if you guy want link or relink
just tag her tagboard, but PLEASE
do not spam her tagboard with vulgar, insult and rude stuff.
She will come in and update her blog once she is free.
From: Eudoria's Sister,

dun make my heart bleed again

Sunday, 7 June 2009 ♥

watching liu xing hua yuan.. watch until 12 ep nia.. then haizz jus watch the last ep n the last part!! then continue infront...haha~

dun make my heart bleed again

Saturday, 30 May 2009 ♥

dun make my heart bleed again

Sunday, 24 May 2009 ♥

gg to ah gong house..
so boring lo..
nth to do there..
oso no psp, haiiz..

dun make my heart bleed again

Saturday, 23 May 2009 ♥

boring.. nth to tok..

dun make my heart bleed again